
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
All Up In Your Business: What’s the city’s role in redevelopment?
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
In the June episode of All Up In Your Business, Chief Development Officer Natalie Ruiz and Economic Development Manager Brian Piscacek talk about why the city’s role in redevelopment is essential.
Long Term Planning Administrator Alyssa Halle-Schramm joins the discussion, taking us deep into the details of the city’s small area plans, including the Texas and University Redevelopment Plan.
Be sure to look for the next episode of AUIYB in August.
All Up In Your Business is available via:
Apple Podcasts
Google Podcasts
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If you have a suggestion for a future topic or interview, email Public Communications Director Colin Killian at ckillian@cstx.gov.

Thursday Feb 23, 2023
All Up In Your Business: Trends in economic development and retail markets
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Since longtime host Jay Socol retired last spring, it's been a while since our last episode of All Up in Your Business. Due to popular demand, the podcast returns, but with a slightly different look.
College Station Chief Development Officer Natalie Ruiz now co-hosts the program with Economic Development Manager Brian Piscacek to update us on business trends and the restaurants, retailers, industries, and events that might be coming to town. We'll produce a fresh podcast addressing various topics on a quarterly basis.
In this discussion with Aaron Farmer of The Retail Coach, Natalie and Brian break down the evolution of local, regional, and national retail markets, along with the recent Economic Outlook Conference. They also address the challenges presented by continued inflation, supply chain issues, and staffing shortages.
Aaron and Brian were rolling, so the episode ran longer than usual, but we think you'll find the discussion insightful and well worth your time.
All Up In Your Business is now available via:
Apple Podcasts
Google Podcasts
Please subscribe, rate and recommend!
Have a suggestion for a future topic or interview, or just want to say hi? Send to ckillian@cstx.gov.

Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
All Up In Your Business: CS‘s taco prowess + Nat‘s takes on who/what might be coming
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
It's been quite a while since College Station Economic Development Director Natalie Ruiz stepped up to the podcast microphone to update us on the restaurants, retailers, industries, and events that might be coming to CSTAT.
In this discussion with College Station Communications Director Jay Socol, Natalie covers Midtown, Costco, Gringo's, the Wolf Pen Creek area, and how CS ranked so high on a list of Texas cities with the best tacos.
All Up In Your Business is now available via:
Apple Podcasts
Google Podcasts
Please subscribe, rate and recommend!
Have a suggestion for a future topic or interview, or just want to say hi? Send to jsocol@cstx.gov.

Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
All Up In Your Budget - Ep. 4: FY22 Capital Projects & Debt
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
What a difference a year makes! Last year, the pandemic gave us a near-dormant economy and enormous uncertainty. This year, there are genuine signs of hope and recovery -- normalcy, even? -- that went into the development of the City of College Station's proposed fiscal year 2022 budget.
In this four-part mini-series called All Up In Your Budget, we'll talk about the main takeaways from this proposed $353.7M budget (Spoiler: No recommended increases to the tax rate or to the electric, water and wastewater rates.) and talk about some important proposed increases to public safety and other core services.
Fiscal Services Director Mary Ellen Leonard
Communications Director Jay Socol
Episode-1: Conditions & Revenues
Episode-3: Enterprise Funds (Electric, Water/Wastewater, and more)
Episode-4: Capital projects and debt
You can view the entire proposed FY22 budget document at cstx.gov/budget.

Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
All Up In Your Budget - Ep. 3: FY22 Enterprise Funds
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
What a difference a year makes! Last year, the pandemic gave us a near-dormant economy and enormous uncertainty. This year, there are genuine signs of hope and recovery -- normalcy, even? -- that went into the development of the City of College Station's proposed fiscal year 2022 budget.
In this four-part mini-series called All Up In Your Budget, we'll talk about the main takeaways from this proposed $353.7M budget (Spoiler: No recommended increases to the tax rate or to the electric, water and wastewater rates.) and talk about some important proposed increases to public safety and other core services.
Fiscal Services Director Mary Ellen Leonard
Communications Director Jay Socol
Episode-1: Conditions & Revenues
Episode-3: Enterprise Funds (Electric, Water/Wastewater, and more)
Episode-4: Capital projects and debt
You can view the entire proposed FY22 budget document at cstx.gov/budget.

Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
All Up In Your Budget - Ep. 2: FY22 Expenses
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
What a difference a year makes! Last year, the pandemic gave us a near-dormant economy and enormous uncertainty. This year, there are genuine signs of hope and recovery -- normalcy, even? -- that went into the development of the City of College Station's proposed fiscal year 2022 budget.
In this four-part mini-series called All Up In Your Budget, we'll talk about the main takeaways from this proposed $353.7M budget (Spoiler: No recommended increases to the tax rate or to the electric, water and wastewater rates.) and talk about some important proposed increases to public safety and other core services.
Fiscal Services Director Mary Ellen Leonard
Communications Director Jay Socol
Episode-1: Conditions & Revenues
Episode-3: Enterprise Funds (Electric, Water/Wastewater, and more)
Episode-4: Capital projects and debt
You can view the entire proposed FY22 budget document at cstx.gov/budget.

Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
All Up In Your Budget - Ep. 1: FY22 Conditions & Revenues
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
What a difference a year makes! Last year, the pandemic gave us a near-dormant economy and enormous uncertainty. This year, there are genuine signs of hope and recovery -- normalcy, even? -- that went into the development of the City of College Station's proposed fiscal year 2022 budget.
In this four-part mini-series called All Up In Your Budget, we'll talk about the main takeaways from this proposed $353.7M budget (Spoiler: No recommended increases to the tax rate or to the electric, water and wastewater rates.) and talk about some important proposed increases to public safety and other core services.
Fiscal Services Director Mary Ellen Leonard
Communications Director Jay Socol
Episode-1: Conditions & Revenues
Episode-3: Enterprise Funds (Electric, Water/Wastewater, and more)
Episode-4: Capital projects and debt
You can view the entire proposed FY22 budget document at cstx.gov/budget.

Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
All Up In Your Business: The business of managing College Station
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Bryan Woods became College Station's city manager in November 2018, but less than two years later he began a year-long deployment to the Middle East with the U.S. Navy Reserve. Now he's back with a lot of work to do, including prepping a draft budget for FY 2022, overseeing completion of a new city hall, and helping sustain economic growth as we emerge from a pandemic.
Woods and Communications Director Jay Socol cover topics ranging from the nature of Woods' relationships with Texas A&M, the City of Bryan and Brazos County...to the significantly different role the next city hall will have in the lives of College Station residents.
All Up In Your Business is now available via:
Apple Podcasts
Google Podcasts
Please subscribe, rate and recommend!
Have a suggestion for a future topic or interview, or just want to say hi? Send to jsocol@cstx.gov.

Monday May 24, 2021
All Up In Your Business: A hot market is filling vacant properties
Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
Our economy is rebounding -- you can feel it. And while so many businesses didn't make it through the worst of the pandemic, no matter how hard they fought, College Station is once again a hot market for retailers looking to establish a location. Filling empty properties is among the top priorities for our Grow College Station team, and that's the primary focus of this episode.
You'll hear Communications Director Jay Socol and Economic Development Manager Aubrey Nettles talk about the vacancies where they're seeing the most interest, some confirmed (and nearly confirmed) successes, and even the context behind some chronically vacant properties that many in College Station wonder about. Jay even asks Aubrey about the quasi-mythical Pappadeaux property.
Also in this episode is strikingly positive news in terms of the latest sales tax revenue report for College Station.
All Up In Your Business is now available via:
Apple Podcasts
Google Podcasts
Please subscribe, rate and recommend!
Have a suggestion for a future topic or interview, or just want to say hi? Send to jsocol@cstx.gov.

Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
All Up In Your Business: What you should know about Costco
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Earlier this week, we dropped a podcast episode that reviewed what's new in, and what's coming to, College Station. (Spoiler: It's a lot!)
During that episode, we teased an announcement that was expected later in the month -- a development on 19 acres of city-owned land in College Station's Midtown. Turns out later in the month is now: Costco Wholesale has filed a site plan for that location.
We hope you'll take just a few minutes to listen to our brand-new mini-episode that explains what Costco's site plan filing means -- and what it doesn't mean just yet.
Economic Development Director Natalie Ruiz and Communications Director Jay Socol get All Up In Your Business about Costco!
All Up In Your Business is now available via:
Please subscribe, rate and recommend!
Have a suggestion for a future topic or interview, or just want to say hi? Send to jsocol@cstx.gov.